You Deserve a 21st Century Education

The Book that Changes
The World!

Inside this book, you will learn how to transform your local school into a 21st century learning environment.

In addition, you will learn the 8 essential skills for success in the 21st century.

21st Century Leadership

21st Century Sales


A Note from "The School Doc"

D.Scott Schwartz, M.ed.
Thank you for checking Leaf Academy out and thank you for reading my groundbreaking book. 

The biggest problem our society faces is "not believing" that we can fix our schools. Because the truth is - our school system is completely fixable. For the last 20 years, I have worked inside the K12 system. First as a teacher, then as a principal and finally as a school superintendent.

Therefore, I know every dirty little secret the K12 system is hiding from the public. But the problem isn't the dirty little secrets. The problem and the reason our schools are failing is simply because our schools are not designed for the 21st century.

The truth is that kids today are taking the same classes kids took in the 1950s. 

And that's the issue. How can a 20th century education compete with the 21st century? 

And the answer is - it can't!

That's why I'm glad you are going to read my book, so you can find out what every school needs to do, in order to transform into a 21st century learning environment.

The key to success in the 21st century is learning the 8 essential skills. Thankfully the K12 system taught you the first three skills, but that means you have five more skills to learn. 

Leaf Academy is dedicated to helping you learn those five critical 21st century skills. 

Thank you for browsing Leaf Academy. I hope you'll let us teach you how to follow your dreams!


Is the "Starter Program" Worth It?

That's a good question, and here's the answer:

-- You should enroll in the Starter Program if you don't want to spend 30 hours working on Stages 1, 2 and 3
-- You should enroll in the Starter Program if you don't want to add 30 hours of frustration to your life
-- You should enroll in the Starter Program if you want to fast-track your Roadmap For Success

Here's the facts!!

You've found Leaf Academy.

We teach the world's most cutting-edge, 21st century education! That means, everything you learn here at Leaf Academy is the most researched, modern, and innovative 21st century education you can receive. That means, this education makes college obsolete.

And if you don't believe me, then listen to this story.

I was a K12 superintendent from 2009-2019. The students in my K12 district program could not afford to go to college, not without taking out massive college loans. The problem is that college degrees no longer lead to high paying jobs. And why is that a problem?

Because if you have a college loan for more than $50,000 and you don't earn $200,000 or more per year, you will NEVER pay that loan off before you turn 65.

Do You Want College Loan Debt for the Rest of Your Life?

Of course you don't!

And I didn't want my students to have financially crippling college loan debt either.

That's why I started conducting extensive academic research to try and develop the world's most cutting-edge, 21st century education. I wanted to find out the answer to this question:

"What skills would make college obsolete?"

And I found the answer.

Do You Want to Jumpstart Your Roadmap for Success?

If the Answer is YES!!
Then Sign Up for the Starter Program!!

The webinar you watched is just the beginning of the journey.

That's because I developed the Roadmap for Success after doing 20 years of academic research. You heard me, the Roadmap for Success is the result of 20 years of academic research. Did you even realize that??

The truth is that everyone must complete 6 stages of life in order to become successful. That's how I developed the Roadmap. That means, if you want to become a doctor, an entrepreneur or even a general contractor, you need to complete 6 stages on your Roadmap for Success!!

What is your dream?
What do you want to achieve in life?
How do you define success?

Making College Obsolete!!

Saving My Students from a Life-Time of Debt!!

For the last decade, I have been using this 21st century curriculum in the K12 district program I ran as a school superintendent. And what you need to know is that my students didn't need to go to college after they graduated from high school.

I know it's hard to believe. But that's only because every high school in America doesn't teach a cutting-edge 21st century education. That's the difference! That's what you need to know!

This is the most cutting-edge, 21st century education in the world. That means, if you enroll in the Starter Program, you are just getting the very beginning of the most advanced and innovative education you can receive.

Is that what you want?
Do you want an edge in life?
Would you like to learn what the academic research says about success in the 21st century?

If the Answer is YES!!
Then Sign Up Today!!

The students in the K12 district program I ran could not afford college without taking out a massive college loan. That's not fair. How can someone who grows up in a low socio-economic environment be expected to move up to middle class, when they have this gigantic college loan debt hanging around their neck for the rest of their lives?

And the answer is they can't!

The answer is it's impossible.

That's not fair, which is why I was dedicated to do the research and develop the world's most cutting-edge, 21st century education. My students deserved to graduate from high school knowing more than college graduates. And in some cases, my high school graduates were more prepared than MBA alum,

For example, one of my former students became a successful entrepreneur at the age of 23. Another former graduate enrolled in the #1 culinary program in America. And a third former student boosted their literacy from Kindergarten to 9th grade in 5 years.

There is no K12 district on record that can match these positive student outcomes. And not only that, but there is no school district located in an inner city or low socio-economic neighborhood with these types of results.

Shouldn't that tell you something??

You Deserve an Edge in Life!
You Deserve an Opportunity to Follow Your Dreams!
And You Deserve to Make Your Life Easier!!

That's Why You Should Sign Up For
The Starter Program Right Now!!

This Program is Worth More than $597!!
But if you Sign Up Right Now
You Won't Pay $597!!
You Won't Pay $397!

No, You Won't Even Pay $100!!

That's Because If You Enroll Right Now
You Will Get:
-- The Starter Program
-- Additional Help and Support
-- Plus First-in-Line Enrollment Opportunity
for the "Hurdles Program"
For Only $15 Total!!

Don't Pass this Deal Up!!
That's More than $597 Worth of Education, 
Help & Support
For Only $15!!
Enroll Right Now!!

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I get my $300 Member Credit Dollars?
When you fill out the registration form, the Member Credit Dollars are automatically applied to your shopping cart.  
Why is the TD program $347 a year?
The TD program contains three layers of support. Right now, the TD program is small and doesn't require a lot of staff, but as more and more schools join on, we will need to hire teachers and staff to manage each layer. We will need a team of teachers to read all the Questions in the Q & A Forum and write answers. We will need experienced and trained teachers to moderate and supervise the Mentor Circle. We don't want to pay teachers minimum wage, which means we need to charge a reasonable amount per year. But we also wanted to give 3x the value to teachers. And we over delivered on that promise. The TD program is worth $3,991, which means Teachers are getting 10x the value for $347 per year. 
What's my time commitment?
Great question. The TD program is a support resource for you. If you have a question, then log on and submit it. If you have free time, read the answers. If you want to learn something specific about students or your classroom, then log on and go to the TD Video Archive. The point is NOT TO ADD ON, but to help you manage your job better. If you trust the TD program, by the end of the year, you will be able to write high performance lesson plans in less time. You will know 3x more classroom strategies than your colleagues do and you will feel 3x less stressed out than everyone you work with. Only put in as much time as you want or need. The TD Program is teacher-centered, so it works on YOUR SCHEDULE!
What kind of growth can I expect?
Another great question.  The TD Program was designed with your growth in mind. Once you register, we will know more about you. What your teacher strengths are and what your areas for improvement are. You can choose to work with us to develop a goal plan or if you have one from your district, we can work together to fulfill those goals. The bottom line is that you will NEVER have to do anything on your own the entire school year AND you will be 3x further along than any colleague in your school. Remember, you are getting 3x the support, so it's easy to say you will grow 3x as much.
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