Who is Leaf Academy?
What is the Disruptor Economy?
What Does Any of This Have To Do With You?

You've Got Questions...

We've Got Answers!

Who is Leaf Academy?

Leaf Academy are the 21st century experts in K12 education, as well as 21st century skills.

But what does that mean?
  • Leadership Skills: The sad truth is that our school system didn't teach you how to become a leader in your own life, how to find your path and how to build the life you want. Instead, they passed you from grade to grade, handed you report cards that had nothing to do with reality and then gave you a diploma and said "you're ready!" Ready to do what exactly? When you learn leadership skills - the first thing you learn is how to take control over your life, your future and your destiny. If you want more control - learn leadership skills.
  • Team Building Skills: If you ask anyone and if you do the research, you will quickly find out that teams can accomplish more than individuals. That is why the Civil Rights movement was a team of people, not just one individual doing all the work. The same is true in your own life. If you want to achieve big things, then you need to know how to build a team around you. 
  • How Money Works: It's no secret that the school system doesn't teach kids about money. Even the top educators freely admit there is zero financial literacy training in school. But how is that fair to you? The truth is that if you don't learn how money works - there are 2 major consequences to that. 1) you will always be in debt and 2) you cannot build generational wealth. If you want to stop living paycheck to paycheck, then you must learn how money works. 

What is the Disruptor Economy?

You've heard of the Creator Economy before, well now here's the Disruptor Economy!

But what does that mean?
  • Billions and Billions of Dollars: According to the National Endowment of the Arts and the US Bureau of Economic Analysis, they estimate the Creator Economy is about $763 billion in revenues annually. That means a lot of people are making a ton of money. And the estimates are the Disruptor Economy is about 10% of that pie. In other words, there is a $76 billion opportunity right in front of you. Do you want to participate in this huge market?  
  • Solve World Problems:  Here's the single biggest difference between the Creator Economy and the Disruptor Economy. Disruptors solve world problems. Disruptors change the status quo. Disruptors disrupt. Do you want to help people, solve real world problems and change the status quo?  

What Does this Have to Do with You?

This is the single biggest opportunity of your lifetime!

Here's Why? 
  • Build Generational Wealth: Everyone likes to talk about building generational wealth, but no one shows you how to do it. In other words, there is no education in the world that teaches people the step by step journey from being flat broke to building real generational wealth. Until now... 
  • Helping People: When you look around the world, all you see are problems. The challenge right now is that no one knows how to solve those problems. Can you guess what happens when the world refuses to solve problems?  The answer is problems start to stack one on top of the other, until eventually you live under a mountain of problems. That's why life seems so overwhelming all the time. The truth is you've been buried under a mountain of problems that no one wanted to solve.  

When You Become a Disruptor,
You Begin to Solve Real World Problems.

Do You Want to Be Part of the Solution?
Do You Want to Change the Status Quo?
Do You Want to Join the Disruptor Economy?

How We Achieve Those Results!!

The Principal's Academy Newsletter

This is How the Magic Happens...

Leaf Academy Offers 3 Paths to Get the Results
You are Looking For!

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