The K12 Experts 

Principal Mentorship

Enrollment Closing Soon!


Here are the Reasons Why:

If you're a principal or school leader, you should sign up for the Principal's Academy newsletter because:
  • You want to know how to help a teacher who has a classroom that is out of control
  • ​You want to know what you do with a student won't follow school rules
  • ​You want to know how to boost student achievement without spending a fortune on software programs that don't really work
  • You want to know ​how to choose the right software programs for your school
  • You want to know ​how to get your teachers to listen to you
  • You want to know ​what's the first thing you need to do, in order to create a more supportive learning environment
  • You want to know ​if you're doing walkthroughs the right way
  • You want to know ​if there is an easier way to conduct teacher observations
  • ​You want to know how long should you spend in each classroom per day
  • You want to know ​what to look for when doing a classroom observation
  • You want to know if the research says if eliminating lesson planning is a good or bad idea
  • ​You want to know what the latest research says about student discipline policies
  • ​You want to know how to make your school 100% compliant with special ed law
  • ​And that's just the top of the iceberg

Why You Should Join

Principal's Academy Newsletter

Sign Up Today!

21st Century Problems

Read the Day One Edition: FOR FREE!!

What's Inside the Edition??

When you join the Principal's Academy, you will get:
-- 12 months access to the Principal's Academy newsletter
-- 12 months of Principal Mentorship
-- Access to Emergency Phone Calls with "The School Doc"
-- and much, much more...

But one of the things you will get is 12 months of access to the Principal's Academy newsletter, which will help you stay focused throughout the school year. 

What should you focus on:

  • For Back to School?
  • ​In September?
  • ​In October?
  • ​In November?

Get a FREE Preview of the First Edition

The Principal's Academy newsletter is your resource for what's important for that month of school. That means, the purpose of the newsletter is to help you be a forward thinking leader and prepare yourself ahead of time for what's about to happen this month.

The last thing you want to do is be caught chasing problems in your school. 

When you read the first edition, you will learn: 

  • How to prepare for the First Day of school by following 3 Action Plan Items
  • ​How to avoid allowing Day One to go very wrong, by planning properly
  • ​How you can sustain the excitement and positivity of Day One further into the school year
  • ​What the academic research says about collaboration
  • ​How you can start the school year off on the right foot
  • ​Tips on how to display better leadership skills to your staff
  • ​How you can use "outside the box" thinking to improve your school performance
  • ​The 9 Recommendations to start a school improvement project
  • ​How you can help your teachers prevent burnout this year
  • ​How you show your teachers how to boost their confidence in the classroom
  • What it takes to run the best professional development program in the country
  • ​How you can retain more teachers this school year
  • ​How to follow the five stages of 21st century team building to create a more conducive learning environment
  • ​So much more--when you join the Principal's Academy...  

Problem #1

The School System

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Problem #2


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Problem #3

Your Relationships

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Want to Become an Entrepreneur?

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So We Can Email You When this 21st Century Program is Ready to Launch!!

As Soon as the Young Entrepreneur Program is Ready to Launch
We Will Send You an Email!!

The 21st Century Expert
Behind Leaf Academy

Author | Speaker
Educator | Thought Leader

Doc Schwartz, M.Ed.
(aka "The School Doc")