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"3 Ways to Upgrade Your Education and Skills"
"Success Starts Here"
"30 Minute Success Journey"

D.Scott Schwartz, M.Ed.

Recognized as an Expert by the #1 Ranked State for Education
Key Achievements:
-- Developed the Best Teacher Prep/Training Program in America
-- Showed K12 Districts How to Teach 21st Century Skills
-- Developed the Best School Management Training Program (For School Administrators)
If you were wondering, "How Come I've Never Heard of "The School Doc" before? 

There's actually a good explanation. But you need to prepare yourself to learn the truth and SEE how unfair the world can be for ordinary citizens.

"The School Doc" is just like you. He started as a teacher in the classroom, went back to earn his Masters and worked his way up the K12 ladder. He worked hard at every step in that journey. In 2007, he got his first administrator role and he saw how teachers were underpaid and disrespected. He saw that student well-being was put in harm's way.

He wanted to change the system, make it better and also help his teachers and students not just "survive" but thrive both in school and after graduation.

That's why he developed the Best Teacher Prep/Training Program in the nation called "The Teacher Development Program" which helps average teachers become experts in only 2 school years. This program saves K12 districts lots of money they don't have by helping teachers be better, which allows them to handle bigger classes, eliminate wasteful spending on useless PD workshops and need less supervisors.

But "The School Doc" wasn't done yet. In 2011, he became one of the first superintendents in America to adopt a 21st century skills curriculum. Instead of teaching middle and high school kids how to read, write and do math, like every other K12 district, his students started learning the SAME essential skills M.B.A. students were learning. You can guess what the results were.

This put "The School Doc" on the map, and he started to get calls from principals and superintendents to show them how to boost their student achievement too. Which is why he started an education think tank and the Best School Management Program in the country "The Principal's Academy" in 2013.

In 2017, he was recognized by the #1 ranked State for education in the United States and later was nominated to join the NJ Governor's Task Force to Improve the Public Schools.

But there was a problem.

"The School Doc" was "too good" at his job. That's right, his teacher training program, his 21st century curriculum and his Principal's Academy all threatened the toxic control that the rich and powerful have over our K12 system -- so they tried to silence him.

Can you guess what happened next?

What the rich and powerful don't understand is that you can't STOP someone who is an expert in all five 21st century skills. You can't HOLD someone back who knows how to be successful in the 21st century.

This may be the first time you have heard of "The School Doc," but you will NEVER forget this story and how he can help you become this POWERFUL in your own life.

Would you like to be unstoppable? How would you like the power to figure out how to make your dream work for you and your family?

When you learn all five essential 21st century skills, you will be as POWERFUL and as unstoppable as "The School Doc."

The only question you need to ask yourself is, "Are you ready to start learning?"

If you run a K12 school district or are the CEO of a company and want to learn how to implement 21st century skills into your organization, press the button below.

If you are an ordinary citizen who wants to become UNSTOPPABLE -- then follow the "JOIN" link at the top of this page.
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